Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

“Prospective Study of Concentric and Eccentric Leg Muscle Torques, Flexibility, Physical Conditioning and Variation of Injury Rates during One Season of Amateur Ice Hockey”

“Stability in Relation to Humeral Head Retroversion after Surgical Treatment of Recurrent Anterior Shoulder Dislocation”

“2-Jahres-Ergebnisse der konservativen Therapie instabiler Beckenringfrakturen bei Kindern”

“Seidel interlocking nailing for healing problems in humeral shaft fractures”

“Prognostic factors for the outcome of Methotrexate treatment in Rheumathoid Arthritis”

“The nerve and vessel supplying ligamentous suspension of the mammary gland”

“Radiologische und histologische Beobachtungen an Talusfrakturen”

“Long term results of unstable pelvic ring fractures in children”